Your chapter achieved CORE for 2013! Second, your chapter submitted a Sharing Our Success (SOS) best practice for your “Chapter Dashboard”. The Chapter Recognition Committee was impressed with this submission because chapters are always looking for ways to improve chapter operations via evidence-based decision making. Preparing an innovative and engaging activity to increase member awareness of joint membership is definitely a best practice. Nice work!
Congratulations! The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter has been selected as the July 2024 ATD Chapter of the Month.
This award recognizes your chapter for its many accomplishments, including Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) achievement, Sharing Our Success (SOS) submission acceptance, and overall chapter strength, growth, and innovation.
Since the program’s inception in 2003, ATD chapter leaders have benefited from the shared knowledge and ongoing learning that the SOS program provides. The Chapter of the Month award is this program’s highest honor.
Congratulations on your chapter meeting the Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) for
2024! This means your chapter successfully met all required CARE elements and is
recognized for 100 percent achievement of CARE. Based on your reported CARE Plus
responses, your chapter is also recognized as a CARE Plus achieved chapter.
Congratulations on your chapter meeting the Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) for
2022! This means your chapter successfully met all required CARE elements and is
recognized for 100 percent achievement of CARE. Based on your reported CARE Plus
responses, your chapter is also recognized as a CARE Plus achieved chapter.
Congratulations! The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter has been selected as the June 2022 ATD Chapter of the Month.
This award recognizes your chapter for its many accomplishments, including Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) achievement, Sharing Our Success (SOS) submission acceptance, and overall chapter strength, growth, and innovation.
Since the program’s inception in 2003, ATD chapter leaders have benefited from the shared knowledge and ongoing learning that the SOS program provides. The Chapter of the Month award is this program’s highest honor.
National ATD recognized the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter for our efforts to incorporate “Data Driven Chapter Governance.” The chapter was commended with the recognition that "Your effort demonstrates a replicable format for other chapters around the country to adopt and improve their chapter’s operations. "
The Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter received national ATD recognition for our efforts to strengthen our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by “Integrating DEI Practices into Monthly Events.” Proactively recruiting speakers from diverse backgrounds and by reaching out to speakers in advance and asking them to explicitly discuss the DEI implications of their topics during their presentations, a DEI lens is integrated into regular chapter programming throughout the year.
Congratulations on your chapter meeting the Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) for 2021! This means your chapter successfully met all required CARE elements and is recognized for 100 percent achievement of CARE. Based on your reported CARE Plus responses, your chapter is also recognized as a CARE Plus achieved chapter.ATD recognizes that the value you provide to your members through well run chapter programs, services, and exceptional operations is the result of the individual time, resources, innovation, thought, and dedication you and your team contribute.
In February 2020, the Southeastern Wisconsin chapter received national ATD recognition for “Impacting Organizational Capability through Financial Acumen.” This honor was awarded for “demonstrating a replicable format” that other ATD chapter could adopt to improve their chapter's business.
Our chapter achieved Chapter of the Month for April 2016!
We were recognized for our strong programming and a submission for best practices using the website software dashboard data to drive our board's decision-making.
Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE)
SEWI-ATD chapter met the CARE requirements in April, 2016. This means our chapter successfully met all 18 required CARE elements and is recognized for 100 percent achievement of CARE for 2016. This award and recognition has been given to our chapter from the National ATD organization for several years in a row now!
The letter from ATD President & CEO, Tony Bingham, in part says:
'ATD recognizes the value this chapter provides to our members through well run chapter programs, services, and exceptional operations. This is a result of the individual time, resources, innovation, thought, and dedication you and your team contribute.'
ATD Recognizes the Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter in its “Sharing Our Success” Program
Richard Fletcher, Chair of ATD’s Chapter Recognition Committee said, "This recognition honors SEWI-ATD’s member communication best practice that demonstrates its commitment to managing a successful organization as well as advancing the talent development profession at the local level. We are excited to honor the chapter with ATD's SOS recognition."
In an effort to increase member engagement, information access, and participation, and to comply with 2015 ATD branding guidelines, SEWI-ATD retooled its bi-weekly eBlast newsletters to be eye-catching, informative, and immediately actionable. The results have been remarkable. So much so, SEWI-ATD has been recognized as a 2015 ATD Share Our Success award recipient. SEWI-ATD has seen an increase in open rates 156% higher than that of the national average, click rates an astonishing 337% higher than average, and lower average fail rates of 144%. These improvements have led to significant increases in attendance for chapter events in 2015, over previous years. The chapter accomplished this using the ATD preferred software tool, Wild Apricot, making these results easily repeatable for other ATD chapters across the US to use, as well.
ATD National requires local chapters nationwide to meet chapter operating requirements (CORE) - a set of performance guidelines designed to help chapters deliver consistent benefits to members. CORE includes five elements: administration, finance, membership, professional development, and communication.
The Southeastern Wisconsin (SEWI) Chapter of the Association of Talent Development (ATD) was recognized for its submission to the “Sharing Our Success” (SOS) program. The national SOS program identifies best practices among local ATD chapters and uses them as models for other chapters.
Rhonda Bothwell, Chair of ATD’s Chapter Recognition Committee stated of each, "This recognition honors the SEWI’s best practice that demonstrates its commitment to managing a successful organization as well as advancing the learning and development profession at the local level. We are excited to honor the chapter with ATD's SOS recognition."
The Southeastern Wisconsin chapter focused 2014 on improving member services. To accomplish this our chapter recruited a new association management company and launched an improved website with a member management system.
In taking these steps we have enriched the member experience and provided a robust registration function, allowing them to more easily attend programs that further the development of their knowledge and skills.
The Southeastern Wisconsin chapter created a programming dashboard to determine the events most valued by membership, track the percentage of members engaged in the chapter's events, and perform more evidenced-based decision making. The tool helped chapter leaders analyze attendee needs and ratings received for each event and incorporated Google Analytics to monitor web traffic and page hits. Since the chapter started collecting this data, it has seen an increase in attendance at monthly chapter meetings as well as an increase in membership renewals - two data sets that are now tracking above their respective historical averages.