The World's Broken Workplace

June 14, 2017 11:46 AM | Anonymous

While the world's workplace is going through extraordinary change, the practice of management has been frozen in time for more than 30 years. Managers have been trained to fill out forms rather than have high-development conversations. 

Only 15% of the world's one billion full-time workers are engaged at work. It is significantly better in the U.S., at around 30% engaged, but this still means that roughly 70% of American workers aren't engaged. It would change the world if we did better. 

To summarize Gallup's analytics from 160 countries on the global workplace, their conclusion is that organizations should change from having command-and-control managers to high-performance coaches. Learn more from this article by Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup. For those who attended the May 19th, "Geezer. Punk. Whatever." session, there are some interesting insights into creating millennial engagement.

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