Using Assessment in Employee Development

  • June 29, 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Ascension Main Office 400 W. River Woods Parkway Glendale, WI
  • 3


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Increasingly, workplace assessments are recognized as tools that add immense value to organizations.  In fact, more and more organizations are turning to assessments to accelerate onboarding and employee development.  Assessments can provide an objective data point that can help individuals and organizations better understand the individual, their fit within the organizations, and how they contribute to the team.  The key to increasing their true value is proper and consistent use.

On June 29, Dan Freschi will explore powerful workplace assessments, what makes them powerful, and how they can be used to shed light on blind spots, help people find their fit, and identify skill gaps.  Dan will share stories from his experience using the assessments across industries.

About Our Speaker:  Dan, President of EDGE-Where Leadership Begins, has more than 15 years of experience in leadership, human resources, coaching, and employee/team development.  He is certified in Hogan Assessment Systems, Everything DiSC, PXT Select, and a number of other assessments and talent development tools.  When Dan is not being an Assessment Nerd, he enjoys coaching baseball and spending time with his family.

You can learn more about Dan’s education, military experience, and community at

Driving Directions

  • Take Port Washington Road to River Woods Parkway (south of Hampton Avenue, north of Capitol Drive).
  • Go East on River Woods Parkway a few blocks to the Ascension Main Office.
  • Turn left onto the Ascension driveway. The security gate should be open. (If not, push the button and inform the guard you are here for the ATD meeting.)
  • Park in any open spot.

Room Information

  • Walk into the lobby and sign in with the Security guard, who will direct you to take the first hallway on the right to the Sr. Jeanne Gengler Room.

© Southeastern Wisconsin ATD

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Phone: 608-204-9815

Association Managers
Seth Trickel
Heather L. Dyer, CAE

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4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
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