What makes change so hard? What enables progress? How might we identify and consistently use our innate strengths toward personal and organizational progress? During this session, we will tap into the concepts of Strengths Based Leadership (Rath and Conchie, 2009) and how the approach can enable positive organizational change and actions you might can take to start your strengths-based development journey.
Guido de Koning has been a leader of global HR functions in mostly enterprise software and healthcare. His main focus has been aligning talent, culture and performance with the strategy and needs of the business
He has served as an SVP of Human Capital with Aspect Software, VP of HR at Vanguard Health Systems and University Hospitals Cleveland. In addition he served as a Principal Consultant for Gallup.
Guido holds a Master's degree in General Management from Nyenrode University, a Bachelor's degree in International Business from the Haarlem Business School. Netherlands, and a post graduate degree of the Japan Interuniversity Program in Japanese Management, language and culture from the University of Leiden, Netherlands.
This program aligns with the Developing Professional Capability area of the ATD Capability Model
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