2021 Chapter Retrospective

January 12, 2022 3:00 PM | Colin Hahn (Administrator)

Our fields faces many challenges, from the ongoing pandemic to the “Great Resignation.” In the midst of these challenges, our chapter is stronger than ever.

I am extremely proud of the work of our chapter volunteers and board members. Over the last year, our accomplishments include:

  • Growing chapter membership from 211 to 283 members, with a further 64 national ATD members exploring what our chapter has to offer;
  • Hosting a record 29 professional development events, including the creation of an Organizational Development PDN and Inclusive Leadership PDN;
  • Making strides in diversity, equity, and inclusion by growing our partnership with NAAAHR and addressing the diversity implications of TD topics in nearly half of our events (which earned a “Sharing Our Success” award from ATD National);
  • Improving our financial sustainability by generating a net income of over $8,000, which grew our operating reserve to roughly 110% of annual revenue;
  • Defining our chapter’s three strategic pillars: to provide world-class talent development upskilling, to create a feeling of belonging to our professional community for all our members, and to offer leadership opportunities at all career levels (which earned an additional “Sharing Our Success” award from National).

Building on Our Great Member Experience

In our annual member survey, you gave us a 76% net promoter score, which is a world class score according to most benchmarks. You cited our monthly PD events, networking opportunities, and learning about industry best practices as the top benefits of your membership.

We will continue to strengthen our member experience. With our pillar to provide world-class talent development upskilling, we are exploring how to improve our professional development opportunities. And we are committed to making our professional community feel even more inclusive, in line with our pillar to create a feeling of belonging in our community.

Strengthening Professional Development Opportunities

As we look into the new year, we appreciate your feedback on how to offer professional development opportunities. We were forced to deliver all virtual programming from the start of the pandemic into October of 2021. Going forward, you shared that you would like us to provide a relatively even mix of in-person and virtual events.

We also heard your feedback about event times. Some of you expressed a desire to return to our traditional Friday AM sessions, while others requested a wider variety of schedules. In the upcoming year, we will attempt to meet everyone’s needs by offering events at various times, while including many events in the Friday AM timeslot.

Thank You to Our Volunteers

None of these successes would be possible without the amazing people leading the chapter. I am thrilled to welcome Patrick Aleshire, Kristin Derwinski, Lora Haines, and Camille Parham to our board. I also want to thank our departing board members for their service: Annette Caraulia, Matt Meuleners, Rebecca Reindl, and Eric Waters. Finally, I want to thank all of the chapter committee members, PDN leaders, and other volunteers who have helped us thrive under these challenging conditions.

I want to give special recognition to two people who have had an outsized impact on our chapter’s success. Matt Meuleners, our departing Past President, did an amazing job in leading our chapter through the transition to virtual programming in 2020 and has continued to support the chapter this year by organizing our chapter socials, setting up a mentoring program for board members, coordinating logistics for our annual Talent Development Forum, and too many other things to name.

Nikki Palmer-Quade, our incoming President, likewise was active in every facet of the chapter, from spearheading our Talent Development Forum to supporting our sponsors to recruiting board members and building relationships with our community partners. This chapter would not be as strong as it is today without their leadership.

To the New Year

Our chapter is in great hands. With our incoming board members, our current volunteers, and Nikki Palmer-Quade stepping into the President role, I know this chapter will continue to thrive.

It has been an honor serving as your chapter president. Let's continue to make a world where people can do their best work!

Colin J. Hahn, Ph.D.
2021 SEWI-ATD President


  • January 16, 2022 8:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Thank you for all of your hard work, Colin!
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  • January 22, 2022 10:43 PM | Anonymous member
    Thank YOU, Colin, for a fantastic year and great leadership. Who would have dreamed so much could be accomplished (much less in a pandemic year?! ) Bravo and thank you!
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